Mockingbird Handprints at Blue Star Arts Complex presents
“ENGINEERED ART” by Hunter Prinz
Meet Hunter and see his art
First Thursday, April 6th, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
April 6th – 30th 2023, Special hours: First Friday April 7th 11:00am – 9:00pm and
Third Thursday April 20th 11:00am- 8:00pm
Thurs – Sun 11 a.m – 5 p.m
Meet Hunter Prinz on these dates
and find out what inspires each one of his creations.
About Hunter Prinz:
Building things that are structurally sound has been a driving force in the way my mind works. It has been my passion to create unique designs that incorporate mathematics and sound design concepts.
“Making something from nothing” is my greatest talent; “Smart” Engineering Concepts which will stand the test of time.
Welding and using metal as a medium has proven successful for me. I never really called myself an “Artist.” I was alway just an Engineer, repurposing scrap pieces that were destined for the trash heap. This method proved to be the perfect outlet for me to create. Working with old metal parts, gave my mind the opportunity it needed to break free from the chains of “in the box thinking.”
During my time of exploration, I found that I have a distinct skill for being able to see through something, in its current form, to the structured design that lay within each piece. I found myself to be good at pairing and combining each unique piece of metal to create a stronger, unified and completely different design. Transforming each piece of metal from its current form, into a totally different object.
I never had the normal worries of failure that most “Artist/Designers” have when venturing into an unknown project. Failure is a word that eludes me, because I grew up knowing that there is a Solution to every problem and it’s up to me to find it.
I was taught to NEVER give up. Keep trying. This is what I do daily.
I have helped others, while in competition, and have been asked, “Why would you help the other team?” “They may win!” Here is my thinking on this; It’s the right thing to do. If I can see the fix for a problem, then it is my duty to share the solution with others. It’s just who I am.
Hunter Prinz 2023
San Antonio, TX
Hunter Prinz 2023
San Antonio, TX